
Showing posts from April, 2014

South Sudan needs peace through brotherly love

South Sudan needs peace through brotherly love By: Abraham Daljang Maker JUBA: South Sudan plunged itself into an ugly and senseless war late last year. The fighting was caused by some elements with personal interest but to many people’s dismay, it took a wrong dimension that will ever be regretted in the history of this country.   It would been better for those who want to climb the ladder of success to call upon each other   to fight in a boxing ring so that we the innocents just see them punching each other on the face so that we only cheer them up. And the winner would just walk away with champion waist belt. But to my heart breaking, it is the innocent people who are being killed, being amputated, forced out of their homes to take refuge, Oh My God! May God have mercy on the innocents!      It was hearsay to me but I saw it all today, people walked on crutches with that helpless sight. I could not help holding my tears back, because al...

South Sudan’s clans’ conflict has become a daily bread

South Sudan’s clans’ conflict has become a daily bread By: Abraham Daljang Maker RUMBEK: Communal fighting in Lakes State, South Sudan has become the part and parcel of the daily life among different clans. “Lakes state has presented a very bad image, we are killing each other every day; it is high time we sat down and repent our sins and purify ourselves with this Holy Communion,” Pastor Isaac Maluth said during the Holy Communion English services.                      Pastor Isaac Malueth condemning killing during the Holy Communion service, 6/4/2014 Despite the being dominated by one tribe (Dinka), Lakes state has become a home of clan conflicts that rocks its social order daily. In fact, the whole affair has become a daily bread and people are totally used to gun shoots, death has become as normal as eating banana. One lives like an antelope that does not know where and will lion strike, people go to bed at night ...

The Ugly facts inside South Sudan, could Isaiah’s prophesy to true?

The Ugly facts inside South Sudan, could Isaiah’s prophesy to true? By: Abraham Daljang Maker RUMBEK: sometimes you wonder if prophesies are true but to some extent you seem to agree with them when you see things unfolding in a broad day. I have been contemplating on the issues in the Bible, especially the book of Isaiah, chapter 18, you see the main heading which reads; “a prophecy against Cush,” that is in new international version NIV but in other versions, it says, a prophecy against Sudan. This leaves you speechless and wonders if the prophet meant the present day Sudan and its neighbouring South Sudan or it was a Biblical Sudan which we may not have on this planet. If you have read through this particular verse, you get description of the people in verse 2 which depicts “tall and smooth-skinned, fear far and wide and aggressive nation…”  in verse 6, you find a heart-breaking things that these people will be eaten by birds and wild animals. This description clearl...