The Ugly facts inside South Sudan, could Isaiah’s prophesy to true?

The Ugly facts inside South Sudan, could Isaiah’s prophesy to true?

By: Abraham Daljang Maker

RUMBEK: sometimes you wonder if prophesies are true but to some extent you seem to agree with them when you see things unfolding in a broad day.

I have been contemplating on the issues in the Bible, especially the book of Isaiah, chapter 18, you see the main heading which reads; “a prophecy against Cush,” that is in new international version NIV but in other versions, it says, a prophecy against Sudan. This leaves you speechless and wonders if the prophet meant the present day Sudan and its neighbouring South Sudan or it was a Biblical Sudan which we may not have on this planet. If you have read through this particular verse, you get description of the people in verse 2 which depicts “tall and smooth-skinned, fear far and wide and aggressive nation…”  in verse 6, you find a heart-breaking things that these people will be eaten by birds and wild animals. This description clearly suits both Dinka and Nuer who without doubt are tall and smooth-skinned. Does this mean Isaiah was prophesying that these two tribes will kill themselves? No this prophet couldn't be serious! He didn't mention any tribe anyway and he didn't even utter anything to do with these two brothers Dinka and Nuer butchering each other. But the gist of this matter is seen this time around when the whole country plunged itself into war late last year. No wonder that Isaiah did not mention short and hairy skin people and this would explain why there is a relative peace in the greater region where there are no tall, smooth-skin and aggressive people.
When you listened to the speech by our late hero Dr. John Garang during the comprehensive peace agreement, he mentioned that the Garden of Eden was right in his father’s homeland in Jonglei state, (not sure if my ears deceived me) if he did mentioned that, it means that without doubt, we are at the centre of a land where the first man, Adam and the first woman, Eve were cursed after the ate the forbidden fruit which they were told not to eat.  And if this is the case, then we should have no doubt that we are suffering because Eve and Adam were sent away and not to stay in the garden and those of us who came after them and occupy the present day South Sudan has to suffer because we are inhabiting the forbidden land (not sure if I am in my proper sanity as I write this piece)

There seem to be a little bit of facts in all I have seen and experienced, although you might question my sanity; I have a reason to be insane because all I have seen and experienced could prompt my lunacy as you may think.  Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile aside, here in Lakes state, there has been no such a thing as tribal fighting, this state is inhabited by one tribe, but every day, you hear that such clan have attacked the other one. Ten people from this clan have been killed; fifteen from the other clan have been killed. There was an incident where the fighting broke out in Cueibet, Rumbek east and some part of Yirol west with Rumbek east, this happened within one week. Sounds of gun has become the part of daily alarm, this leaves you with one word whenever you hear about the death and this words is always “Oh My God!” when shall we have peace? But the same person who yearns for peace will flare up and adrenaline pours in his blood when he is confronted with slight provocation and this explains the reason why we shall never taste a sweetness of peace unless we the tall, smooth-skinned and aggressive people as the verse puts it learn how to control our temperaments.  A man whose only tool is hammer sees every problem like a nail; this exactly explains why many of us (some south Sudanese) whose only tool is gun see every problem to solve by the pull of a trigger. Hate me or not, but I must tell you that our brothers and sisters in greater equatoria have enjoyed a little bit of peace since independent because their only tool is pen, and hoe and they see every problem to solved by rubbing an ink on a paper or scratching the ground with hoe, no wonder that their states have become the safe haven for the men whose only tool is gun.

Sometimes prophecies come true when you dance according to their tune, the tall, smooth- skinned, and aggressive people as the Bible puts it (not me) should put down their arms and embrace peace and they should take up the armour of peace, such as, pen, hoe to guards against poverty and illiteracy, they should buckled the belt of prosperity which is hard working, they should take the shield of cool temperament which they can extinguish the hot temperament and finally they should wear the helmet of peace which is love for one another as brothers and sisters regardless of culture, language, tribe or clan. By doing this, you will finally fulfil the last verse in Isaiah 18  verse 7 which says “At that time the gift will be brought to the Almighty God from a people tall and smooth skinned…..Isaiah 18:7”

Peace be with you all and as you read this with cool temperament.
 Au revoir!


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  3. Isaiah 18 describes the region/nation south of Sudan ,not the South Sudan nation...
    That said region/nation is destroyed,plundered and its ppl killed over a long period of time by beasts and birds [beasts=powers/nations]
    [Birds=econ entities=corporations]
    Nations operating according to their own self interests alongside multi corporations...
    The said region/nation is cut by rivers,
    the said region/nation is called to gift the Lord's temple = precious stones,minerals,gold,etc
    That nation has often be designated with the appellation of "geological scandal" due to its ridiculously rich soil,source of those "beasts & birds" covetousness ...
    So from all these hints,it is not stretching to locate the nation at the very center of Africa;Zaire/Congo
    It's woe started a long time ago and is still ongoing...
    Here's the timeline ;
    slave trade ensued by
    king Leopold II of Belgium's ownership of the country killing over 10 millions ensued by the colonisation and its killing ensued by
    a very brief new found freedom through its independence and new government, at this time after assassinating the newly elected PM the whole country will
    be sacrified by the CIA,USA & Belgium imposed dictatorship of 32 years followed again by
    a very brief new found émancipation till new president is assassinated then the biggest war ever in Africa, involving 6 or 7 # nations, is taking place within that same said country killing an estimated 8 to 9 millions and counting to this day...
    Now,the Lord gave His timetable for that country to His servants,talking about how that nation renaissance headed by His own chosen man will surge and bring His Word forward throughout the world...
    A lot of men of God from different parts of the globe travelled to that nation over the years,ALWAYS bringing the same confirmation of this message...

    So I do believe that the Democratic Republic of Congo is that nation described in Isaiah 18.

    All glory to GOD

  4. Isaiah 18 describes the region south of Sudan ,not the South Sudan nation...
    That said nation is destroyed,plundered and its ppl killed over a long period of time by beasts and birds [beasts=powers/nations]
    [Birds=econ entities=corporations]
    Nations operating according to their own self interests alongside multi corporations...
    The said nation is cut by rivers,
    the said nation is called to gift the Lord's temple = precious stones,minerals,gold,etc
    That nation has often be designated with the appellation of "geological scandal" due to its ridiculously rich soil,source of those "beasts & birds" covetousness ...
    So from all these hints,it is not stretching to locate the nation at the very center of Africa;Zaire/Congo
    It's woe started a long time ago and is still ongoing...
    Here's the timeline ;
    slave trade ensued by
    king Leopold II ownership ensued by the colonisation ensued by
    a very brief new found freedom through its independence and new government before
    being sacrified by the CIA,USA & Belgium imposed dictatorship for 32 years followed again by
    a very brief new found émancipation till new president is assassinated then the biggest war ever in Africa, involving 6 or 7 # nations, is taking place within that same said country killing an estimated 8 to 9 millions and counting to this day...
    Now,the Lord gave His timetable for that country to His servants,talking about how that nation renaissance headed by His own chosen man will surge and bring His Word forward throughout the world...
    A lot of men of God from different parts of the globe travelled to that nation over the years,ALWAYS bringing the same confirmation of this message...

    So I do believe that the Democratic Republic of Congo is that nation described in Isaiah 18.


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