By: Abraham Daljang Maker

It is like sitting in a death row, as if one is put in a firing squad with hands tie at the back-waiting for a bullet to hit you in any minute. It feels as if the world will come down crushing on you in the next 20-60 minutes when the results are out.
Small beads of sweats form on your nose, the palms of your hands begin to sweat. Your heart beat increases abnormally, threatening to blow up your ribs cage in any minute. And your head starts heating up like a cooking oven; Your ears feel hot as if volcanic lava will ooze out of your ears anytime.
The fear is not because of the bad life style one has been leading but it is the fear of unknown. WHAT IF? WHAT IF? and WHAT IF? Is the question that nags you as you wait for the results from the laboratory. The results that will you change your life in a positive way or negative way. One is not so certain about how to react when the test results are not in your favor.
HIV/AIDS pandemic has threatened human life since 1981 when it was reported by the Center for Diseases control. The epidemic has subjected human being into untold suffering for many decades. More than 70 million people have been infected with the HIV virus and about 35 million people have died of HIV. Globally, 36.9 million [31.1–43.9 million] people were living with HIV at the end of 2017, according to the report by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Tomorrow 1st December 2018 marks the world AIDS day, the world will commemorate the lives of millions of people who succumbed to the virus, it is a day to remind ourselves that we’re living in a cruel world with heartless diseases that does not discriminate.  HIV Voluntary Testing and Counseling VCT will be available to everyone.
Knowing your HIV status is one of the best decisions you will ever made. Redefining your life when you know your HIV status makes you live a better and informed life.
ABSTINENCE or FAITHFULNESS are the best practices in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. But if you must have SEX, you MUST use CONDOM correctly and consistently.
Theme: “know your Status”


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