the Enemies of Peace in South Sudan

The enemies of peace in south Sudan
By: Abraham Daljang Maker
South Sudanese have been struggling for more than two decades to liberate themselves from slavery and oppression from the Arabs dominated north. The comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) which was signed in Kenya’s capital Nairobi brought a relative peace and tranquility in the region. There were two crucial events in south Sudan; The overwhelming vote for secession and the raised of the independence flag. These two events were widely believed to the end of fighting and suffering in the south. But little did we know that some few elements amongst us don’t really want stability and progress at all in south Sudan.

On October 29, 2011, Sudan tribune published the announcement made by the south Sudan liberation movement /Army (SSLM/A) that they have captured Mayom town in unity state. We all know SPLM/A as the only movement that aimed at liberating us from the Arabs who treated us like second citizens in our own soil. So what is the aim of SSLM/A? In his statement to Sudan tribune, the deputy head of SSLM/A military high command Maj. Gen. Bapiny Monytuil said;
“We will move to Warrap and other regions because we intend to liberate the whole south Sudan.”
He sounds confident and is determine to do anything to disturb peace in the country. But my question is; what other liberation does he want apart from what we have just got in a few months ago from the Sudan? Does it mean that he wants another independent state or he wants to be the president him self? I really don’t understand what people of south Sudan want in life. South Sudan is not meant to be called a warring state, let us learn from the past and we should move forwards like other African nations instead of sliding backwards again.

Greed and hunger for power will never take us any where; our struggle against Arabs was not aimed at individuals but was done for the welfare of the whole south. The people who are forming rebel movements are nothing but just enemies of peace in that country. It is even least than a year after independence and now people are talking of another liberation struggle which I believe is only personal interest struggle.
Why is it that everyone wants to strive to be in power? Many people’s limbs were cut during the genuine struggle against the north; we don’t need to have more amputees, orphans and refugees again in our promised land.

Our veterans should know that the leaves of greed are delicious but its fruits are bitter. Taking arms against your own people can never bring glory in any way, the best option to solve problems is to sit down and sort out things in amicable manner. When flag was raised in the capital Juba, everyone was in tears because of the historic independence. The only thing which the whole world expects us to do is to focus on the development not to keep on butchering each other. No one is perfect even those who think that they are the genius, will not develop south overnight. There are many other ways of serving the country , We don’t all have to be presidents , ministers or governors in order to bring meaningful development in our beloved nation; but rather peace and development only come if citizens join hands together and work hard in all sectors.

South Sudan can never and shall never be at peace unless we stop these deadly ambitions and aim at the national building together. A home where every cock wants to crow can not be at peace at all and that is what I can see in south Sudan.
It’s a pity that the victims of the circumstances are mostly vulnerable women, children and elderly; war is the enemy to the development and so do the people who want it.
If we want everlasting peace to prevail in south Sudan, then we need to eliminate this heinous act and cultivate love and nationalism in us. The time for bull dozing is over now, we need to quest for peace and development like other African nations.


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