bad breath causes public discomfort

Bad breath or halitosis causes public discomfort.

By: Abraham Daljang Maker

Bad breath is when a person has a bad smell which comes out of his/her mouth that makes people around feel uncomfortable as he/she speaks or breathes. You can not feel at ease if you sit next to a person with bad breath especially in public places like lecture room, public means of transport, drinking joints and in any other public gathering. Bad breath causes public nuisance and brings discomfort not only to the other people nearby you but also to you as a person who has bad breath.
Halitosis is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When you don’t brush and floss regularly, the bacteria build up on the small pieces of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make your breath smells. Certain foods, particularly ones like garlic and onions that contain pungent oils, can contribute to bad breath because the oils are carried to your lungs and out through your mouth. Also food that contain sugar can provide good breading ground in your mouth for these bacteria to thrive on well and results into bad smell. Study shows that some diseases and illnesses like Respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis and chronic sinus infections may cause bad breath. Bad breath can also be caused by decrease flow of saliva, which is a fundamental part of the digestive process and removes odor-causing particles in the mouth. another reality but not an intention to offend smokers; bad breath is also caused by smoking or chewing tobacco-based products that can stain teeth, irritate gum tissue, and worsen tooth decay.
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a major problem, mainly when you are about to snuggle with your sweetie or whisper a joke to your friend. It embarrasses you and makes people whom you are interacting with feel out of place. To some extend it also breaks up relationships and even marriage if it is the chronic one. Bad breath shows how unhygienic you are, it shows lack of personal cleanness in you and it lowers your personal dignity. Since people with bad breath are used to the way their mouth smells, it is hard for them to know whether they have bad breath unless a caring friend or loved one tells them. You may not realize why people try to avoid you whenever you want to open up a conversation, but when someone always asks for excuses and avoid your conversation; then ask someone who you trust to tell you if your mouth smells. You can also try to scrape your tongue and smell it or use tooth pick and push between your teeth. Another simplest way is to cover your mouth with your palm loosely and breathe allowing air to flow towards your nostrils; there you will know how your mouth smells.
It is also possible to know that you have bad breath when you detect that people feel uncomfortable as you talk to them. When someone you love seems to hesitate when you want to give an affectionate kiss for the second time; just be skeptical that there must be something wrong with your mouth. Small percent of the people who are having bad breath suffer from being in desolate; they are tied down in solitude and isolation. No one gives time to listen to them as they try to associate themselves with others; they are given some excuse and left alone. It is worst with men with bushy faces, the beards and mustache traps that air that comes out of their mouth.
This embarrassment cause by bad breath can easily be solved by regular brushing. If you brush and floss frequently, the food particles which remain in the mouth and between the teeth where bacteria breed will be washed away leaving your mouth fresh. It is advisable to brush at least twice a day, after every meal. You may find it hard to brush after lunch because some people take lunch in work places where they have no toothpaste and brush but as you finished eating your lunch, just rinse your mouth with water and use your index finger to clean the back of your teeth. Brush immediately after super before you go to bed and early in the morning before you head for your daily activities. Do not just brush in 3-4 seconds and be convinced that your mouth is fresh. Make sure that the back of your tongue is well scrape and between your teeth. Some bristle toothbrushes are designed to brush off rust at the back of your teeth and between teeth.
Visit dentist to ensure that there is nothing wrong with your teeth. People rarely see dentist unless they have toothache. It’s only when there is a severe pain in our teeth when we tend to visit dentist just to remove rotten teeth or when there is a swelling on our gums. Avoid eating food that contains a lot of sugar which makes bacteria grow well. Don’t chew gum thinking that it will freshen your mouth; instead it aggravates the conditions because some chewing gum contains sugar. Avoid smoking if possible, or else brush as soon as you finish smoking. Smoking is a habit and it can be shun rather than losing relationship with your friends, acquaintances and your loved ones. If you brush properly and visit your dentist for regular cleanings, but your bad breath persists, you may have a medical problem like sinusitis or gum disease.


  1. Our doctor said he could find no medical condition causing his bad breath, and didn't know what to do. Our dentist said that he had no serious dental problems. We were getting no place fast and the problem wasn't getting any better. Get the Details about Treatment for periodontal disease


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