the symbolic significance of triumphal entry

The   symbolic significance of triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem
By: Abraham Daljang Maker
“Hosanna to the son of David!”
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord!”
“Hosanna in the highest!”   (Matthew 21:1-11)  
The shouting was so unbearable and chief priests asked Jesus to silence his followers but the wise king replied that, “even if I tell them to keep quiet stones and trees will also shout.”  That means his name is great and above any other name. When his name Jesus is pronounced,
It is a palms Sunday today. The event started yesterday with high demand of palm leaves by Christians across the country.  Cars, motorcycles and bicycles are having palms branches on them. I am not quite sure if trains, ships, boats, canoes and even aeroplans also have branches of palms on them too. Well it’s the day when Jesus Christ, the Savior triumphantly entered Jerusalem, the humble king who rode on a donkey’s colt was welcome with jubilant and a big crow shouted on top of their voices, 
everything in heaven, on earth and under the water can bow down and confess that Jesus is Lord
Shortly after his successful entry into the city, he went straight into the temple where he found people selling and gambling in the house of the God. He grew angry and dropped them out of the temple which further vexed the authorities who later wanted to find ways of trapping him. All these were done in order to fulfill what the scripture said through earlier prophets, “be full of joy O people of Zion! Call out in loud voices, O people of Jerusalem, your king is coming and he is humble, ridding on a donkey’ colt.” (Zechariah 9:9-10, Isaiah 62:11-12)
Until today, many Christians across the globe celebrate this great day because it has gotten very important meaning in our lives. However, many people take it as simple as any other day especially those who do not know what this day depicts, you see the majority carrying palms branches and they totally have no Idea apart the knowledge that it is a palms Sunday.
What does this day mean to you? Do you also carry branches just because others are carrying it? Do you commemorate it as an entry of Christ to Jerusalem? The answers are in your brain.
 Now let me tell you what I think about Jesus triumphal entry to the city and the symbolic significance of this success in our lives today.  You and I are the city into which Jesus is entering today. We are the symbol of the Jerusalem and Christ is coming into our lives and makes it the way he wants it to be. We are all sinners and the clearance of the temple signifies our hearts. We all have such thoughts in our minds and hearts which are not in conformity with the kingdom of heaven. These sinful desires in our hearts depict the selling and gambling in the temple, so Jesus has come today to clear your hearts from all ill-thoughts of this dark earth so that you and I can remain free and clean.  If each and every one of us put this in our minds that Jesus is entering into our lives as Jerusalem and clear our hearts as the temple, then we can be able to understand the true meaning of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Yes he indeed entered into Jerusalem and we have to equate this event into real life today and live by what it means to our Christian life. Glory be to him and peace be to the world, May Almighty God be with us and forgive us for sinning against him in many ways.


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