Insects  are small but very dangerous species.

By: Abraham Daljang Maker, Kampala Uganda.

It is about a month now since I heard annoying rhetoric from the President of Sudan when #South Sudan took over oil field of Panthou known as #Heglig. The statement has been haunting me all these times until I thought of some instances were people used offensive words which latter boomeranged.   Being a very good verbal attacker who does not think twice before uttering out words; Omar al Bashir made an exasperating statement by calling people of south Sudan as insects that needed to be removed. Judging by his pronouncement, you would think that Bashir would in no minute turn the whole of south Sudan into an ocean and erased the people away from this earth. Having grown in the bush, I was not so much scared by his statement because the words are not so unusual to me since he uses them always during the twenty years of conflict. Despite all his scary voice, SPLA was able to carry on until he succumbed to the demands, leading to independent of the south in July last year.
President Bashir and indeed any other individual should refrain from making such statement that may have impact in the long term. Everything has its ramifications and can backfire at any moment.  It is important to know the famous verse from the Bible in the book of Jacob which says, “Tongue is a fire, a world of evil amongst parts of the body that corrupts the entire person and sets the whole course of life on fire.”  Like it or not, it is the bitter truth and I can give you some few examples of verbal expressions the past but later backfired.
The whole world was shocked on April 6th when the Majority ethnic groups in Rwanda butchered small groups following the tragic death of the President Juvenal Habyarimana. The dominant tribes were calling their countrymen as “cockroaches” that should be eliminated from Rwanda.  After 90 days of mass killing, the peace was restored ironically by someone from the people who were branded as cockroaches, thanks to President Kagame for his peace restoration!   I read in the Mine Boy, a book written by the Author, Peter Abrahams During the apartheid regime in South Africa. According to the book, the black people who were mostly working in mines were referred to as Boys though some of them were as old as my grandfather. Another offensive word which was commonly used by the whites during the apartheid was Kaffir. These words were intended to hurt the blacks. Surprisingly, the Kaffirs later brought peace and unity symbolize by the first South Africa black President, Nelson Mandela. And the last but not less example is the recent Libyan crisis triggered by Benghazi uprising were the former leader called the people of #Benghazi rats but it was such a paradox that the rats took control and forced the Elephant(Gaddafi) into water drainage were they later captured and (unfortunately killed him).  With all these live instances, can’t President Bashir one day sit down and thought of the consequences of his words? Calling a legitimate government as insect is not only an offense to the individual but to the entire nation and its people, it is an insult of higher order. I want to give a word of caution to Mr. Bashir, that Insects are very dangerous species in this world; they don’t only cause pain but also death to people. Consider #anopheles Mosquito, it is a very tinny insect that can be rushed with one finger but it is cause about 2million death. Many projects have been in place to make sure that mosquitoes are prevented but till now; it is all futile attempt. One mosquito in a net can never give you a chance to sleep and at the end of the night, you end up dozing because of having not slept well. Bees and wasps are also insects that can never be ignored, they attack when you stubble or imbed their residents, the list is endless. Besides calling the south Sudanese insects, he went a head by expelling the south citizens from his country, in contrast; none of his people in Juba and other parts of south Sudan are free. That means the insects are very responsible who act maturely but the self acclaim liberator showed no respect to him self. Osama Bin Laden was the threat to the world but he is no more, recently; Mr. Taylor who was behind the suffering of the Sierra Leoneans will be serving his 80 years sentence in prison which he will finish in his grave. President Bashir should better stop committing more atrocities otherwise he will be given more years than his counterpart.


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