Who can contain the dire situation in South Sudan?
Who can contain the dire situation in South Sudan? By: Abraham Daljang Maker Freedom is what everyone was longing for in South Sudan. From 1955-1972, the slogan was the same. “We need to be free and determine our destiny.” The futility of 1972 Addis-Ababa agreement showed its ugly face when the South Sudan army was assimilated into the Sudan National army. This prompted another movement in 1983 leading to the loss of estimated two million lives; however, the best fruit of this struggle was the birth of a new nation. Hosting the national flag was greeted with ululations and chanting of the song of freedom especially in the National anthem. Many of us thought that this would mark the end of suffering and the road of success and development seemed to be clear and straight. The oil money poured into few pockets and the rural populations remain in their pathetic lives and even some wounded heroes remain wondering why they lost their limbs without gaining the benefits of thei...