Great men are from a humble background

Great men are from a humble background

Abraham Daljang Maker

It took me some time to think about this peculiar thing about the issue of the great men who normally come from a humble background.  I called it peculiar because nobody expect a person whose background is low to be great but amazingly, it happens from ancient time to present.  “Who told you?” you may ask. But I want to assure you and convince you beyond reasonable doubt that many people have a humble beginning but end up being celebrants.
In his book, the long walk to freedom; the former South African president, Nelson Mandela vividly tells us about his humble beginning. He spearheaded the anti-apartheid rule and became the first black president in South Africa and a noble laureate after having suffered for 27 years in prison. You and I today love him with passion; he is seen as an Icon of peace and the father of the continent.
What about Moses, in the Bible? We all know how he came up, from poor Israeli woman who was slaves in Egypt to great prophet. Left at the Mercy of God, Moses was put in a basket, and place on the water. He would have been eaten by snakes or crocodiles but God saved him and he later led the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt.  Jacob, was a son of a poor man called Jesse, there was nothing big expected from him. But out of all the commanders of the King Saul’s army, David emerged a victor, he killed a great fighter and a giant man called Goliath with a mere stone from a slingshot. He rose from that humble stage to be the King, something people of his time could not imagine.
 Above all these great men of their time, there is the greatest man of all, His name is Jesus. We all know him and read about him. From his father’s throne, he came down in a very humble way and chose a humble family were he was born. When prophesy was done by the prophets, people thought the King would be born from a royal family. But unexpectedly, Messiah was born by young and poor Virgin Mary, this raise many questions from people. “Galilee, can something good come from there?”  Christ was raised by Joseph and Mary who earned their living on carpentry, a work which many people don’t cherish at all. At the age of thirty, he started his ministry in a humble manner; he walked with his disciples even to the extent of ridding of a colt; something which a king can’t do.  The striking example of being humbled was demonstrated by Jesus in John 13:1-17. He washed his disciples’ feet and he told them to do it the same way to other people. I don’t think a teacher can wash the feet of his pupils/students but the humble man, Jesus did it.
Having done all these things; people were blinded by evil and they hate him, killed him to the point of nailing him on a cross with criminals. But in just three days, he resurrected from the dead and was raised to His father’s throne above where he will reign eternally. We have Kings, presidents, Prime ministers and chancellors but none of them can be like the Jesus; the king of peace and the savior of the world. As you celebrate this Christmas, bear in mind that Christ died for you and me and he loves all of us despite our iniquities. All he needs from you is to accept him and live in the way he wants you to. Cast all you anxieties and worries to him and you will be free forever and ever.

I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!


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