I am a member of the ICC but I am contemplating of pulling out.

I am a member of the ICC but I am contemplating of pulling out.

By: Abraham Daljang Maker.

I was once a member of the Rome statute of the international criminal court. I willingly accepted to sign and become a member. Although it was adopted in 1998 when I was in primary 5, and entered into force in 2002, when I join secondary school; it was my cheer ignorant to accept the membership. It was established for four core international crime: genocide, crime against humanity, war crime and crime of aggression.  I knew I would not commit any of these, neither would I likely to commit one and that is why I had to accept it.  But the wise friends, USA, Israel, people’s republic of china, and others refused to because they knew that some of them will be engaged in foreign intervention which might constitute crime against humanity.  Alas! I was not aware that there will be violent during the presidential food selection, which they (intruders) called the post-selection Violent.  After the violent; some of my figures were accused of orchestrating attack. Well, I thought this would not constitute international crime, to me it was just a domestic crime and I was aware that the ICC would not come since the statute only aimed at international crime.
Unfortunately, they landed on my neck and they accused me of the crime. But I decided to put debate in order to pull out so that the ICC will not meddle into my affairs; but these nasty prosecutors said I was a member when I was committing the crime. What a hell do you think you are doing? After all, I reconciled with my colleague that we formed an alliance.  Although some people are still being haunted by such horrible memories; Anyway, I was blind to see that the court was for us the African, but I don’t blame the ICC for targeting me and my counterparts in Africa, the court would not bother me if we were not so greedy for power, with that unimaginable obesity of killing our brothers and sisters just because I need to remain in power.  If I had not singed it, I would have a chance of invading Iraq, attacking Libya and even smuggling some mineral in other countries like what my friend has been doing. Oh! How foolish I was to have not seen this thing before, now I am just crying over the spilt milk. But wait a minute, I think killing is bad and if the ICC is concern, then it has to do so and let justice take its course.
Why should I cry anyway? Even my friend whose husband just divorced in 2011 after long domestic quarrels, did not sign it but he was accused of killing thousand people in Darfur region, but my friend said he had only kill hundreds. Does that make difference? One or two people are calling Humans and if you do so, then you should be tried. But He accused the west for targeting us the African; stubbornly, he refused to accept the travel ban. But in Nigeria, he took off; yes he did take off to his heels because he thought the ICC was joking.  I think his visa application to travel to the US will work out; maybe, maybe not.
 But my last advice to the lawyers is that, they should also set up a tribunal court which will also try corrupt people who run away with dollars, my younger brother who was born in 7 July 2011, has indulge itself into serious corruption. Many minsters were accused of embezzling 4 billion dollars; I think those people are the ones who should be taken to the ICC for having eaten the money that should have been used to treat the dying patients in hospitals daily. Please tell me, if someone eats this money and thousands are dying of illness, can’t this be called crime against humanity? Why can’t the ICC also look into these issues? 
Dear Africa, you should stop killing your won people if we want to stop the ICC to poke its nose into your affairs. Why do you kill a brother, sister, mother, father, aunt uncle just because you want to achieve you mission?


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