Does South Sudan have civil society groups?

Does South Sudan have civil society groups?

By: Abraham Daljang Maker

KAMPALA:  I have been so puzzled about some unpredictable events which keep unfolding themselves, making me to wonder if we really have civil society groups in the country. Are they really there? And if so, why then are some of the things keep emerging every now and then without any agitation? Do we know the roles of these groups anyway? Are we aware that such associations are crucial when it comes to issues of the public concern?

Well, whatever the answer; we ought to know what these civil society groups are and what role do they play in improving the well-being of the citizens. These groups which we might or might not have are usually voluntary, self-organized advocacy groups whose roles are to advocate for some issues that affect the general public. Such issues in most cases are consciously or unconsciously abandoned by the government or pay little attention to them. So it is the role of these groups to intervene and challenge the existence or the absence of certain things in a given society. Important thing to note about the civil society groups is that, THEY ARE NOT POLITICIANS!  And they are not even interested to meddle in politics. But their activities are to challenge the status quo, they advocate and enlighten the general public to be able to know about the prevailing situation so that everyone becomes vigilant and be stewards in management of the societal affairs….. 

 However, what remains unclear to my fellow countrymen is that, they belief that whoever stands up and says things should be done this way or shouldn’t be done like that is yearning for a political seat in the government.  This fallacy has made many people who would come up with better concepts for the well-being of the society to shy away with brilliant ideas; a few individuals who dare to stand up become the victims of the circumstances and end up threatened or demise because they are perceived to be a threat to the existing Powers.

There are varieties issues that the civil society groups would be wailing for but such concerns remain not tackled. These include the advocacy for Human Rights, Environment, and Gender among other issues. All these worries remain as reveries in the minds of many people in the country and whoever talks about them in conversation is seen as an outcast or a lunatic. 

Human rights is being viewed by many people as an alien or an idea borrowed from the Western world; but little do they know that even during the stone age, there was Human Rights. But only that there was no one word used to describe it just like the way English puts it. Even our great grandfathers do practice the Rights of Human being; that was why they were able to condemn what deprive human freedom person’s liberty. Several attempts to fight and resist the salves trade by some kingdoms in West Africa and East Africa was the unconscious act of demanding for Human Rights and freedom. Although they could not succeed, they were able to fight back, did you know that? If this is a little bit vague, then let me cite the two decades of civil war in The Sudan, wasn’t this the demand of freedom by the South Sudanese from deprivation of social, economic, cultural and political liberty? If this is a big YES, then Human right is not a foreign ideology depending on the circumstances under which these rights are being claimed.   Nonetheless, many abuses occur including the denial of the rights to life, to basic necessities like food, health and shelter. Torture in prisons and military detentions camps like Lanchok in Lakes state are looming without any condemnation, the right groups say that no evidence from someone tortured can be used to justify his or her guilt in the court of law because the victims might agree certain thing due to the pain inflicted on him or her. To desist from unnecessary torture will pave way for fair trials hence, ushering the rights of an individuals. 

Environmental degradation is at its highest peak in almost all the ten states of South Sudan; Little is done in Juba city center but still garbage are still visible at all street corners. But at the outskirt of the city is a huge file of garbage on Yei road with swarms of flies on it, such issues would be advocated for by the civil society groups but none is being said. The shocking incident is in Lakes state where teak plantation in Rumbek East is being infringed by some characters making it as a farm, this can easily bring a great setback to environment, teak is also the best tree for timber but depleting it will make it hard for the community. It is high time to realize the important of ‘environmental sustainability’ which means using the environment without compromising the future chances of the future generation.

 Gender is another aspect which is being terrible abused in most parts of the country, gender discrimination at work places are so enormous especially females are being abused physically and psychologically but due to gender stereotypes, women remain quiet without airing such abuses because they are socially taught to be submissive and obedient. Cross-generational marriages, forceful marriages and child marriages are noticeable in most states but no one seems to be bothered by such scenario. There are only lips services but no action taken where such incidences occur, this task therefore would be best undertaken by the civil society if at all there is one which exists.

 With sad note, I can conclude by asserting that our society will head to doom if all of us are blind to see obvious challenges happening in every corner of the country without any concern. Not everyone is a politician but there are other sectors in which every citizen can exercise their duty to ensure the betterment of everyone. The bitter facts about civil society are that, they are bound not to succeed especially where there are intimidation and suppression from the interest groups. Because they are self-organized voluntary groups, everyone tends to bypass it leaving a vacuum for exploitation and discrimination. However, the good news is that, to suffer for doing something good is better than gaining wealth in a crooked way; a good reputation is better than gaining fame in a wrong arena. May God Bless south Sudan!!!!!


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