Could this be final nail on the coffin of South Sudan’s economy? Are some of the events in 2015 to be blamed??

 Could this be the final nail on the coffin of South Sudan’s economy? Are some of the events in 2015 to be blamed??

By: Abraham Daljang Maker

2015 is just a few clock ticks away from us, and 2016 is in its final installation. Telecom companies are no longer friends on the pretext of currency devaluation; phone calls on customers are unbearable. Thus, talking on the phone becomes optional. Food is scarce in the market and expensive. South Sudanese pound puts on tatters begging American dollar for 18.5 only.

Clans’ clashes in former states of Warrap and Lakes plus cattle raiding were on the front pages of newspapers in Juba and top stories in most local radio stations. Several presidential Decrees, aka. “Degrees” by ordinary members of the society were also dominant on South Sudan’s Television. Beneficiaries were so jubilant with “degrees” while the victims of the “degrees” walked home with scornful faces.

There were a lot of rebellions and road attacks that occurred in the same year. Western Equatorias cities of Yambio, Maridi, and Mundiri were rocked by violence, displacing hundreds of people, if not thousands. A handful of people got killed in Yei-Juba road, Kajokeji-Juba road and Nimule-Juba road by “unknown gunmen” the same so-called “Unknown gunmen also rocked Juba city, and many people went missing in broad daylight, but still people maintained that “unknown gunmen” killed so and so

The economy has been on its deathbed since the year 2015 pooped in with a lot of US dollars under umbrellas along the streets of South Sudan’s capital Juba in the hands of individuals; who cannot even strike a conversation with foreigners due to their inability to speak another language other than their mother tongue. It was said that those individuals are used by some few elites who buy American Money in the Central bank at a rate as lower as 3.2 South Sudanese pounds and then give it to their brokers who sits under Umbrellas in the scorching sun to sell the currency at an abnormal profit.  


Many people have been burned alive by the fuel tanker which burst in Western Equatoria’s town of Maridi. That unfortunate incident was attributed to biting poverty which is feasting hard on the people of the young nation. Accusing fingers pointed to the national custodians who were said not to have initiated some income generation projects to help local citizens cope with life. Some critics also blame insecurity.  Because people could not reach their destination by road, many airline companies took advantage by piling people on a cargo plane, some lucky dudes made it to their destination, but some didn’t. In November, the plan crushed killed dozens of people, leaving only an infant and one adult.


This bombshell rocked the country, the creation of 28 states in the country. The campaign has started already hoping that the “Employment” opportunity will be realized because conditions have been broken down almost to the tribal or community levels. Oppose the creation of these states at your own risk because people will pour out their anger on you as if you will reverse the ruling. I hope it won’t be like the shutdown of oil wells in 2012 over the issue of Sudan- South Sudan disagreement, the jubilation of the shutdown of oil wells was short-lived when the economy almost scrambled to its knees.

Fresh hope for New Year 2016

With the arrival of the opposition groups into the country, some people are told by their lucky horoscopes that 2016 is a good year for peace. The formation of a transitional national unity government is the only hope of some projects to be postponed to await this crucial fertile moment in which the economy is expected to improve.

The formation of 28 states seems to be the cake of the year. Discussions are everywhere: banks, markets, churches, saloons, kitchens, and even bedrooms. Some people have already visualized themselves in juicy government positions in their microstates. Expectations are centred on V-8, fat salary, new titles of Honorable aka. “Noble or Horrible” by some MPs, etc. But the question of wealth creation remains an issue, especially to the right-minded individuals who think this won’t help while micro states preachers await their fortune to knock at the door.

Governors of the newly created states are already promising paradise to their citizens; comes that day when they sit in their new offices, and everyone will see how the Messiahs will deliver their promises to the citizens.  The question of high prices remains unanswered, but some eagle-eyed individuals believe that food will be abundant by the mid of January. How and by who lingers in the minds of everyone, some pessimists or doubting Thomas are sceptical about this.

The writer of this piece still believes that LOVE IS THE HIGHEST OF ALL THE VIRTUES, an Inscription on his favoured T-shirt. With the love of one another, South Sudan won’t be suffering as it is today. With love, there would be no stealing of public funds, no revenge killings, no unknown gunmen, no rebellion, and many more. So welcome 2016 on board; we have much hope in you.



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