By: Abraham Daljang Maker

Don’t let other people’s opinions and their judgment diminish your inner voice and kill your dreams.
We have been the victims of these seven words. We have said YES to the requests that we should have said NO. we have said No to the requests that we should have said YES. We have walked to the directions that we should have avoided at all cost and we have left the path that we should have walked on to lead us to our desired destinations.
All these happen because we must seek social approval, we just want to fit in so that we experience the sense of belonging. When I say “we”, I mean YOU and I and everyone else. We’re all in this game of “what will they say or think about me if I do this or that?” we choose our partners based on the social approval, we take up that job that we don’t like just to be accepted as part of the big family/society. Some of us choose our careers because of societal expectations. We succumb to unreasonable requests just to avoid social exclusion. We reject some chances that would alter the whole course of our lives to our desired destination because we don’t want to be labeled by the majority.
We are in a social setting where everyone wants to conform to what is socially acceptable. Going contrary to the social expectation makes you an alien, you become a subject of scorn; you receive all the contempt and to avoid that, you must accept the “truth” and swim along the tide. Wait a minute, does WHAT WILL OTHER PEOPLE THINK OR SAY ABOUT US make us reach our full potential? Does it steer us in the direction of desired destiny? Are we able to gain anything in caring about what other people think or say about us? Obviously, the answer to all these questions is NO. if so why then should we care so much about what they say or think about us?
We tend to listen to our inner voice which urges us not to attempt to go against the social expectation even when we know that our decision in each situation is what our heart wants. Instead we listen to that voice which grabs us in the neck and scream saying, “this is the right thing you should do or say because it is what everyone will approved of.” And at the end of the day, we spend the rest of our lives regretting every bit of it while blaming everyone for our fate. We tend to only associate with those that won’t make us be judged by others. We end up in miserable and abusive marriages/relationships/friendships because of the fear of other people’s judgement, we suffer in backbreaking jobs that leave us unsatisfied. We take up that career just because it is expected of us to be in that profession. We end up saying YES and regret it in a minute we uttered it and say NO to the request that we should have taken with gratitude.
Why don’t you marry that SLAY QUEEN that everyone sees as worthless and forget about what they think or say about you as long she is the "Queen" of your heart?
If it makes you happy and fulfilled, go ahead and marry that CASANOVA gentleman who is said to be good for nothing and who shouldn’t deserve better. Why don’t you break that bondage and listen to that “ugly/poor/foreign” man/lady who says it from their hearts? Pursue that career that everyone thinks less, so long as it makes your world complete. Apply and take that job where you find soles in it. Say NO to the requests you think are unreasonable and gladly say YES to that request which you think will fulfill your heart desire.
On the average, we live for about 70 years on this Earth, 15 years of our lives is being controlled by our parents who tell us to behave in conformity with the society. We spend 40 years worrying about what other people will think or say about us whenever we make decision that we think suits our own interests. Thus, we are always busy trying so hard to make choices that won’t please us but please others. The remaining 15 years of our lives when we’re finally reaching 70 are the most painful years which we spend regretting why we didn’t follow our heart desires. At that age, we live in the state of “I WISH I KNEW” until the nature takes control over us and sends us to our final resting place.
You are free to make choices that please others but you’re not free to face the consequences. Therefore, FOLLOW YOUR HEART!


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