Dear God, you know why you created a man with different colour of skin.... By: Abraham Daljang Maker.

Dear God, you know why you created a man with different colour of skin...By: Abraham Daljang Maker.

Dear God, sometimes I feel some pain when we the  humanbeing  forsake your way and go on our own way. You know how  why you created us, and we all have a purpose to fulfil on this earth.

Dear God  you know why you created us with different colour of skin....

No one has ever seen you, only your son Jesus was seen by man but none of us has ever seen you. I know you created us in your own image, whether black, white, green, brown or red. The  Bible tells us that we're all created in your likeness.

Dear God you know why you created us with different colour of skin...

With this in mind, I belive that we are your children, we are all created by you and in your own image  I belive that the image does not exclude the colour of our skin. This means that you are multi-coloured superbeing,  I believe you are white, black, brown,  red or even green. But in our own knowledge as human, we tend to associate colour to different status, are you seeing this? Are you hearing what we the humanbeing tell each other about our colour?
Dear God, you know why you created a man with different colour of skin....

 Nobody has ever seen you but in our own understanding, we deviated from your will. Films show a devil in black suit and Angel in a white suit. Whatever logic behind these colours or whatever motive behind the minds of the people who designed the costumes, I believe that you are only one God who is mulit-coloured and who created  us in your likeness. I have many questions that linger in my mind. If devil is portrayed in black attires, does this mean back is evil? Why is it that people in funeral dress in black clothes, does this mean black is death? Why is it that when someone has had a bad day, they say it's been a black day for me, does this mean black is misfortune? I know that you love us all despite the colour of our skin, you care and you don't discriminate.
Dear God, you know why you created a man with different colour of skin...

 If only we can hear your voice above us in  heaven telling the whole world with your voice saying "behold, I am your God, who created you in my own image despite your skin colour." If only people know that that colour is just a colour but what matters is the same red blood that runs in our own body system, if only we know that there are only white bones under our skin,  whether red black or white or brown.

Dear God  you know why you created a man with different colour of skin.....

We are just human, all mortals, despite our skin colour. We are all sinners, we fall short of your glory forgive us and make us understand that we are all created in your own image and make us know you love us despite our different colours, make us know that we all have red blood in our veins, make us know that we all have white bones under our skins despite our different colour of skin.

Dear God, you know why you created a man with different colour of skin. ....

Your lovely book 1 John 4:20  clearly tells us that "whoever claims to love God and yet hates his brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother or a sister, whom they has seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen." If everyone heed this, then the world would be the best place to live in. Your love surpasses all human understanding, have mercy on us Lord...


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